Wednesday, 20 May 2015


I enjoyed the series finale of Mad Men.  I liked how everything was basically wrapped up and one could fill in the blanks of how the lives of the characters played out. Some went off into the sunset, as it were, to lead the glamorous lives we expected.  Others were left with the end of life as they knew it, nearing the end.

As I get older I wonder how events will play out in real life.  When we see a young couple get married we assume there will be a new home, children, job changes, college, etc. We fill in the blanks.  What we don't see are the bumps in the road, the major detours or the possible traumatic events and illnesses. We want to "wrap up" that life in our minds and slap our hands together in a triumphant finale that all will work out as planned.

When we look at our own lives and assume that the finale is pre-written, we are in for a huge fall. 
Complacency is the enemy.  Assumption is a double-edge sword. Becoming lazy in our relationships, thinking that an immediate decision doesn't impact our future, not making the extra effort with our kids; those are the minor daily actions (or in-actions) that life builds upon.  We can almost all rally and be at our best in the difficult times. Human nature calls us to support one another, to help a stranger in need, to be there for someone struggling.  Unfortunately human nature also allows us to be lulled into a false sense of security.  "My job will always be there, the kids can wait another week for our special time together, using this credit card won't affect my cash flow"... all of those lies we tell ourselves.  And we often believe them.
My series finale hasn't tidied up so easily. My marriage of 22 years has ended.  My children are not who I thought they would be.  I'm not who I thought I would be.  I make less money now than I did 28 years ago.  The list goes on.  And I know you have your own list.

Am I preaching?  Hardly! I'm sharing my regrets. I'm trying to learn what my part was in the failings I have been through.  And friends, I've had a major part.  I don't want to live in the regret, because I know I can't do everything right.  And I know you can't either.  But I am trying to forgive myself and asking for forgiveness in return.

I'm hoping to share the funny side of life, as well as the poignant.  If it's not for you, well then thank you for reading this far. If it resonates with you, then I'm happy to share.


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